Department of Botany

The Botany Department was established in September 1997 with three faculty members.
The Botany department has been developing infrastructures for teaching and research programmes with emphasize on few thrust areas. The department has developed few well-equipped Research Laboratories (Microbiology, Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics) and is in the process of developing more well-equipped laboratories for Reproductive Biology, Plant Physiology, Microbiology, Plant Ecology and Ethnobotanical studies. Emphasis is made to maintain high quality research so as to equip the students to serve the society efficiently. The Department aims to transfer appropriate technology to the local community for sustainable development and reforestation programmes. The Centre for Biodiversity studies is making a remarkable contribution to create awareness among the local people for conservation of plants, animals and insects which help in pollination of various taxa.


The vision of the Department includes engaging in more research programs and try to bring more research projects from UGC-CAS; DBT; DST, MoEF, CSIR; ICMR, GBPIHED etc. and to undertake other Collaborative projects (National and International). All efforts have been made to enhance the Department Library. More books will be procured; regular journals will be arranged for the Department library.

Research activities & Thrust area

  • Inventory of Plant Genetic Resources of Nagaland and endeavours for conservation.
  • Reproductive biology.
  • Tissue culture and conservation biotechnology.
  • Macro propagation.
  • Microbial resources exploration from unique ecological niches.
  • Macrofungal documentation and their application on reforestation programs.
  • Molecular Biotechnology.
  • Cytogenetics.


School of Sciences

Head of the Department

Prof. Talijungla

Point of contact

For queries relating to the Botany department, Nagaland University.

Email: hodbotany[at]nagalanduniversity[dot]ac[dot]in